Parish School of Religion


PSR Classes begin September 17th. These classes will be held on the first and third Sundays of each month. PSR classes will be after the 10:30 Mass. PSR classes will end promptly at 1:30 pm. The complete schedule of class dates is available at the link below.

Lunch will be provided in the Parish Center after Mass for PSR students and family members. Lunch will be served on the first floor. After lunch PSR staff will guide students to their 2nd floor classrooms.

Classes last until 1:30 pm. Family members are encouraged to stay after Mass for lunch and fellowship. If you are not able to stay during the class time, please pick up promptly at 1:30 pm those for whom you are responsible.

First communion preparation will be part of the PSR classes for 2nd and 3rd grades. First communion preparation classes will be held at the regular PSR times.

Confirmation classes will be held on the 3rd Sunday of the month at the regular PSR times in the Parish Center.

A list of class groups and teachers is available at the link below.

A registration form is available at the link below. IF you have not pre-registered, please complete one form for each child you are registering.

Registration Form for PSR, first communion, and confirmation

Schedule for PSR Classes and Youth Masses

Teacher list for PSR, first communion and Confirmation



Holy Spirit PSR Watchful Wednesday Meditation. October 16th, 2024


     In this Sunday’s Gospel of Mark we come across two apostles, James and John , who find a way to ask Jesus a question in private. They wanted part of Jesus power up close and center. ” Can we sit next to You when You are on Your throne ?” Wow when the other disciples got wind of that , mass chaos broke out ; what nerve and why didn’t we think of that first. They were looking at power with their heads ,but Jesus answered with power from His heart.

     His power was in the act of serving , but they thought

 if you are on the throne you will be served. That was not how this Kingdom would work. Jesus spent the rest of His time on earth trying to teach His disciples about the humility of serving. It took them to the Cross ,Resurrection and beyond for them to truly understand  His Kingdom was not fought with weapons. Being a servant was what Jesus came to earth to establish.

     Does serving mean leadership to you?  Does Jesus’s question ” can you serve like me ?” scare you or ignite you ? Is serving a weak idea for you? Will you try to step up and help another and see if you can understand the power of a humble job well done ? If so , roll up those sleeves ,put on your serving spirit and serve , not for bragging rights ,  but to be a true leader.


P.S. moment

Listen to the hymn – Make Us True Servants -. It is an older song, but the words are for soul building. It is worth the listen .


P.S.S. moment

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, THERE WILL BE PEACE .

from Jimi Hendrix